Friday, 21 December 2012


Hearing the other side is a revelation,
It tells us about the shadow’s position.
Just because it was all dark and gloomy in the view,
Doesn't mean the shadow had lost its origin.

It’s there, still with you, in each step,
But you have been blinded by preconceptions and your mind,
You don’t listen, you just choose to stay blind.
But unless you turn around and look for it, you won’t find,
That it was there, all this time,
Only if you looked for it, instead of crying.

But shadows are your part,
So they know how to turn you around.
They give you your time,
To gather your peace of mind.
And if you still don’t turn around,
They introduce you their side.

But you still have your notions,
Those stupid over powering misconceptions,
So you throw rocks at them,
Which results in turning on the light.
You finally understand their side,
And you see that they were right.

You realize that listening to the other side is a revelation,
You come to know about their situation.
In flashbacks, you see your unnecessary fight,
And deep down, your own plight.
But shadows are your part,
So they don’t let you be torn apart,
They understand your condition,
Alas! The other side was a revelation.