Monday, 23 January 2012

Some of my unfinished and initial tales..

These are the random thoughts put together. I know they are not great but it is a part of what I wrote and this blog is about what I write or feel so I am posting it.

        I.            I am an ordinary bird
From a flock of birds
I wanted to fly high
And be extraordinary
But I met too many Brute’s in my life
Who kept stabbing me,                
Hence draining my life.

You show you’re sweet
You show you’re neat
But I know you lie,
I know you cheat.

You are the Brute from Julius Caesar's tale
Your are the brute of my ordinary tale
I know you want to see me fail
You used me as bait
And played with my fate…

      II.            The days are dark
The nights are gloomy
My noon is lonely
And evening is _____

    III.            What is it with people falling in love
Why do they stop being rational?
How can’t they see?
That she is a bitch
Or even may be a witch.

    IV.            Feel like escaping this loud music
And these blasting, shown as joy
It’s suffocating now…
Depressing it is to only give
Joy in giving is true,
But up to what limit?

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